UNISA Diploma in Accounting Sciences | Everything you need to know

Admission Requirements

A National Senior Certificate (NSC) (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and at least 40% in Mathematics

Study fees

First Year

Module CodeDescriptionFee
AIN1501Accounting Information Syste1,915.00
AUE1501Introd to Auditing1,915.00
BSM1501Business Management Fund IA1,915.00
CAS1501Perspectives on Accountancy1,915.00
CLA1501Commercial Law IA1,955.00
ENG1512Eng for Economic and Man Sci1,915.00
FAC1502Fin Acc Prin, Concept & Proc1,915.00
MAC1501Intro to Management Account1,915.00
QMI1500Elementary Quantitative Meth1,915.00
TAX1501Taxation of Salaried Persons1,915.00

Second Year

Module CodeDescriptionFee
AUE1601Legal Aspects in Accountancy1,915.00
AUE2602Corp Govern in Accountancy1,915.00
AUI2601Intern Auditing: Theo & Prin1,915.00
BSM1602Business Management Fund 1B1,915.00
ETP2601Entrepreneurial Skills1,915.00
ETP2602Hum Res Mange For Entrepr1,915.00
FAC1601Financ Accounting Reporting1,915.00
MAC2601Princ of Management Account1,915.00
MAC2602Prin of Str, Risk & Fin Man1,915.00
TAX2601Principles of Taxation1,915.00

Third Year

Module CodeDescriptionFee
BSM2601Business Management IIA1,915.00
ETP3701Entrepreneurship IIIA1,915.00
ETP3702Entrepreneurship IIIB1,915.00
FAC2601Fin Acc for Companies1,915.00
FAC2602Selec Acc Stan & Simple Gr1,915.00
TAX3701Taxation of Business Activit1,915.00

In your final year, you'll be required to choose four more modules from this group

Module CodeDescriptionFee
AUI3702The Int Audit Process: Test1,915.00
AUI3703Intern Audit Proc: Specific1,915.00
MAC3701Applic Of Man Acc Techniques1,915.00
MAC3702Appl OF Fin Man Techniques1,915.00
TAX3703Taxation of Estates1,915.00
TAX3704Tax Administration1,915.00

How to choose your modules

Each Unisa qualification is structured in such a way that you need to pass a certain number of NQF level credits within a certain amount of time in order to graduate.

  • Co-requisite: Module A is a co-requisite for Module B. You want to register for Module B, but have not yet passed Module A. You must then register for both Modules A and B simultaneously. You may NOT cancel your registration for Module A unless Module B is also cancelled.
  • Pre-requisite: If Module A is a pre-requisite for Module B, you must pass Module A before you may register for Module B.

You may not register for more than the allowed maximum number of credits / modules per academic year and / or semester: 60 credits per semester or 120 credits per academic year.

The maximum number of credits do not include supplementary and / or aegrotat examinations from a previous semester. Modules taken for non-degree / non-diploma purposes also count towards the maximum number of credits allowed.

You must take your available time into consideration when choosing your modules, as this will impact your academic performance. You need approximately

  • 6 to 8 hours per week for semester modules.
  • 4 to 6 hours per week for year modules.

How to apply

Applications for admission to undergraduate qualifications for the 2024 academic year will open from 01 September to 13 October 2023

Please take note of the following

  • All applications for admission must be submitted online. 
  • Admission to a qualification is not automatic. It will depend on whether you comply with the admission requirements and if space is available.